D-Bus 1.16.2
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CBusDataBlock of message-bus-related data we attach to each DBusConnection used with these convenience functions
 CDBus8ByteStructAn 8-byte struct you could use to access int64 without having int64 support
 CDBusAddressEntryInternals of DBusAddressEntry
 CDBusAllocatedSlotAn allocated slot for storing data
 CDBusArrayLenFixupWhen modifying an existing block of values, array lengths may need to be adjusted; those adjustments are described by this struct
 CDBusAtomicAn atomic integer safe to increment or decrement from multiple threads
 CDBusAuthInternal members of DBusAuth
 CDBusAuthClient"Subclass" of DBusAuth for client side
 CDBusAuthCommandNameMapping from command name to enum
 CDBusAuthMechanismHandlerVirtual table representing a particular auth mechanism
 CDBusAuthServer"Subclass" of DBusAuth for server side
 CDBusAuthStateDataInformation about a auth state
 CDBusBabysitterBabysitter implementation details
 CDBusBasicValueA simple value union that lets you access bytes as if they were various types; useful when dealing with basic types via void pointers and varargs
 CDBusConnectionImplementation details of DBusConnection
 CDBusCounterInternals of DBusCounter
 CDBusDataSlotDBusDataSlot is used to store application data on the connection
 CDBusDataSlotAllocatorAn allocator that tracks a set of slot IDs
 CDBusDataSlotListData structure that stores the actual user data set at a given slot
 CDBusDirIterInternals of directory iterator
 CDBusErrorObject representing an exception
 CDBusFreedElementStruct representing an element on the free list
 CDBusGroupInfoInformation about a UNIX group
 CDBusGUIDA globally unique ID ; we have one for each DBusServer, and also one for each machine with libdbus installed on it
 CDBusHashEntryInternal representation of a hash entry
 CDBusHashIterHash iterator object
 CDBusHashTableInternals of DBusHashTable
 CDBusHeaderMessage header data and some cached details of it
 CDBusHeaderFieldCached information about a header field in the message
 CDBusKeyA single key from the cookie file
 CDBusKeyringInternals of DBusKeyring
 CDBusListA node in a linked list
 CDBusMemBlockDBusMemBlock object represents a single malloc()-returned block that gets chunked up into objects in the memory pool
 CDBusMemPoolInternals fields of DBusMemPool
 CDBusMessageInternals of DBusMessage
 CDBusMessageFilterInternal struct representing a message filter function
 CDBusMessageIterDBusMessageIter struct; contains no public fields
 CDBusMessageIter_1_10_0Layout of a DBusMessageIter on the stack in dbus 1.10.0
 CDBusMessageLoaderImplementation details of DBusMessageLoader
 CDBusMessageRealIterInternals of DBusMessageIter
 CDBusObjectPathVTableVirtual table that must be implemented to handle a portion of the object path hierarchy
 CDBusObjectSubtreeStruct representing a single registered subtree handler, or node that's a parent of a registered subtree handler
 CDBusObjectTreeInternals of DBusObjectTree
 CDBusPendingCallImplementation details of DBusPendingCall - all fields are private
 CDBusPreallocatedSendInternals of DBusPreallocatedSend
 CDBusRealErrorInternals of DBusError
 CDBusRealHashIterInternals of DBusHashIter
 CDBusRealStringInternals of DBusString
 CDBusServerInternals of DBusServer object
 CDBusServerSocketImplementation details of DBusServerSocket
 CDBusServerVTableVirtual table to be implemented by all server "subclasses"
 CDBusSHAContextStruct storing state of the SHA algorithm
 CDBusSignatureIterDBusSignatureIter struct; contains no public fields
 CDBusSignatureRealIterImplementation details of DBusSignatureIter, all fields are private
 CDBusSocketSocket interface
 CDBusStatPortable struct with stat() results
 CDBusThreadFunctionsFunctions that must be implemented to make the D-Bus library thread-aware
 CDBusTimeoutInternals of DBusTimeout
 CDBusTimeoutListDBusTimeoutList implementation details
 CDBusTransportObject representing a transport such as a socket
 CDBusTransportSocketImplementation details of DBusTransportSocket
 CDBusTransportVTableThe virtual table that must be implemented to create a new kind of transport
 CDBusTypeReaderThe type reader is an iterator for reading values from a block of values
 CDBusTypeReaderClassVirtual table for a type reader
 CDBusTypeWriterThe type writer is an iterator for writing to a block of values
 CDBusUserInfoInformation about a UNIX user
 CDBusVariantAn opaque data structure containing the serialized form of any single D-Bus message item, whose signature is a single complete type
 CDBusWatchImplementation of DBusWatch
 CDBusWatchListDBusWatchList implementation details
 CShutdownClosureThis struct represents a function to be called on shutdown